Tuesday, January 5, 2010

too little to late =(

real love hurts

i met the perfect guy. he was everything to me.
but i was nothing to him.
i even convinced him to go out with
he didnt treat me better.

everything was more important to him than me.
he used to be my everything
i put him first in my life.
he brought the worst to my life..

after a year of treating me like crap we broke

i met some other guy.
i was happy at least till he called me.
he told me he loved me
that he was sorry
and that he would change
i went back with him.

he didn't lie he changed.
he was so nice to me
and treated me better.
he was perfect. there was only
one problem the feelings i had for him were gone.
i felt nothing when we kissed.

i guess i just wanted him.
in the end i decided it was not fair so i ended
our relationship..

if only he changed sooner..
before he killed
my heart.


  1. i believe, he's willing to resurrect your dead heart.:)

    nice poem. <3

  2. .,well if that is the case he should work harder! ;)
